The City and the Autumnal City

The cover of 'The City and the City' by China Miéville. It shows the silhouette of a man against a bleak cloudy sky, standing at the top of a ramp.

The City and the Autumnal City by Sage Hunter I’ve heard, recently, in a few discussions of China Miéville, people assert that the conclusions of his novels are generally incompetent. The City and the City, particularly, has been pointed out to me as a novel lacking any sort of satisfying resolution. There’s a convention, in […]

Roundtable: 36 Streets

Roundtable: 36 Streets Great cyberpunk is rare. Great Australian cyberpunk is rarer still. So, when we were given the opportunity to talk to one of our favourite authors about his process, his worlds, and his view on the genre and industry as a whole, we jumped at the chance. A certified Doctor of Cyberpunk, T. […]